Finally Friday, KUHS-LP Hot Springs 102.5 FM, Playlist for September 23, 2022

This is the playlist from Finally Friday, on KUHS-LP 102.5 FM Hot Springs, on September 23, 2022. Tune in next Friday at 8-10 PM CT (9-11 PM Eastern/6-8 PM Pacific) to KUHS-LP Hot Springs 102.5 FM or for our next show. The rest of the playlist is under the cut…

  1. Amyl & the Sniffers: Monsoon Rock
  2. Fews: Charm
  3. Perpetual Werewolf: The Goblin Universe
  4. Gallus: Marmalade
  5. Adolescents: Skate Babylon
  6. Glaas: Acid Rain Dance
  7. Death From Above 1979: Blood On Our Hands
  8. Bob Vylan: We Live Here
  9. Dendrons: Double Ending
  10. Bilk: I Got Knocked Out the Same Night England Did
  11. Delivery: Baader Meinhof
  12. Big Boys: Fun Fun Fun
  13. Buzzcocks: Ever Fallen in Love?
  14. Dead Kennedys: Halloween
  15. GEL: Mental Static
  16. Die Die Die: Never Tire of Looking at the Sun
  17. Fontaines DC: Liberty Belle
  18. Crack Cloud: Ouster Stew
  19. Civic: Nuclear Sun
  20. Courting: Grand National
  21. Low Life: Agony and XTC
  22. Sports Team: Here it Comes Again
  23. Nausea: Cybergod
  24. Part 1: Black Mass
  25. XTC: Radios in Motion
  26. Wire: Mannequin
  27. Amyl & The Sniffers: I’m Not a Loser
  28. Gouge Away: Consider
  29. Fried Egg: Grown Fat
  30. Various Blonde: Love Fool
  31. Urochromes: My Disposition
  32. Septic Death: Thaw (Cold World)
  33. Optic Sink: Personified