Operator OT's set lists From Club Nevermore, February 10, 2024.
I wanted to say thanks to everybody who came out to Club Nevermore on Saturday—as well as to Club Nevermore for having me, and to Jezebelle Jax and Felitiy Fox, who did great performances! Here are my set lists from that night.
No Show Tonight (February 11, 2024)
Half Machine Lip Moves won’t be on air tonight. The show will be back on air next week, February 18, 2024 with a new episode.
No Show Tonight (January 14, 2024)
Tonight’s show has been postponed due to winter weather. We’ll be back next week with the first part of our 2023 review show. Till then, stay warm!
Upcoming Central Arkansas Shows and Events, January 2024
Half Machine Lip Moves is on holiday break till the 14th, but I wanted to take a moment to spread word about some upcoming shows and events in Central Arkansas. First, is this month’s edition of Club Nevermore, Central Arkansas’s mothly goth-industrial event. This one’s Saturday, January 13 at The Labyrinth in Little Rock. There’s no theme for this one; just a regular goth-industrial dance night. Visit Club Nevermore’s website to join.
Half Machine Lip Moves Holiday Break 2023-2024
Happy New Year! Just letting you know we’re on break. We’ll be back on January 14 with the first part of our 2023 review special! We your holidays were good—if you observe them—and that the new year is a good one for you!
We Return Tomorrow Night, on 11/26/2023
We’re back from our post-Halloween break! We’re returning to the air/streams tomorrow night, on November 26, 2023. We’re going to play a set of piping hot new tracks, songs by bands that have a show coming up next weekend, and more! We’ll be on at the usual time and place, 10 PM CT [11 PM ET/8 PM PT/05:00 UTC] on KUHS-LP 102.5 FM Hot Springs/kuhsradio.org.
Club Nevermore Presents Thanksgraving, November 11, 2023
The next Club Nevermore event is Saturday, November 11th. From their event description: “Crawl out from your crypt for a feast for your ears with all the best creepy Goth+Industrial tracks and feed your hunger for our gourd and savior with a wicked Pumpkin Pie Eating Contest! Contest judging by our own Graveyard Gloria as your Pumpkin Domme, encouraging the noms! We will also bring back our creepy karaoke for 2 full hours this time!
We're On Fall Break, As of November 5, 2023
Half Machine Lip Moves won’t be on air this week. We’re taking a fall break and we’ll be back soon—probably on November 19th or the 26th. Watch our website and social media for updates.
Operator OT Set Lists From Club Nevermore, 10/14/2023
I, Operator OT, want to say thanks to everybody who came out to Club Nevermore on Saturday—and to Club Nevermore for having me! My set lists from that night are below the cut.
No Show Tonight (9/3/2023)
Half Machine Lip Moves won’t be on air tonight. I’m still recovering from being ill. However, I think I’m past the worst of it. We should be be back on air next week. And I appreciate all of you who wished me well!