Show Status: August 8, 2024

I guess I should give a statement about the current state of the show…

Half Machine Lip Moves is on a a break at the moment. My current day job requires me to be available to work on Mondays, which is why we’ve been doing pre-recorded shows. The past few weeks have pretty stressful and have eaten up most of my free time, thus leaving me feeling burned out and without time to produce a show.

I probably shouldn’t write or say what I’m about to say, but I’m going to do it anyway.

I can’t deny I’ve been feeling discouraged. The show’s social media engagement has pretty much dropped to nothing in the past year or two—and this was prior to us being locked out of Facebook. I often wonder why the hell I bother with putting forth so much effort into something that gets almost zero attention and doesn’t bring about much reward.

However, this isn’t a resignation. We’ll be back at it soon. I’m aiming to return on the 18th or 25th of this month, but I’m not going to promise that. But we will be back. This isn’t the last you’ve heard of Half Machine Lip Moves!